Sing the screams (2008)
It's an acrylic paint, it's 30 x 100 cm.
I took inspiration from a live gig of Chris Cornell when he played with his old band, Soundgarden. Then I make the shot mine and I choose some colors and Chris.
This paint is part of the art theme "Music is/n Art".

Canta le urla (2008)
Quadro ad acrilico, 100 x 30 cm.
Ho preso ispirazione da una foto di Chris Cornelli col vecchio gruppo dei Soundgarden, ho cambiato i colori e modificato la faccia di Chris.
Il dipinto fa parte della tematica "Music is/n Art".

Etichette: acrylic, art, cantante, cantare, chris, concerti, cornell, dipingere, dipinto, gigs, live, Music, Musica, paint, paintings, play, sing, singer, soundgarden, suonare
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